Paris Jackson's suicide attempt could have been caused by her alleged estrangement from her older brother Prince Michael. According to a new report, Michael Jackson's children used to be very close, but have been fighting recently over her alleged betrayal.

Sources told Us Weekly that Paris has been battling "major depression" since having "major fights" with 16-year-old Prince. The cause of their fights was apparently her wanting to spend time with their biological mother, Debbie Rowe.

Before her attempt on Wednesday morning, Paris was frequently seen hanging out with Debbie, who is only allowed supervised visitation with them.

This didn't sit well with Prince, who saw Paris' efforts to get close to Debbie a betrayal to their father.

"[Paris and Prince] were always so insanely close until Debbie came back in the picture, and Paris wanted to get close with her," the source told the magazine. "Paris wanted her mum in her life, but Paris was younger and Prince remembers all of the awful things Michael told them about Debbie. Prince feels Paris is betraying their father by getting close to Debbie."

"Paris made her decision to get to know her mum and she found she really liked her," the insider continued. Spending time with her mother also has another benefit: she has gotten to know her dad more because Debbie tells her stories about him.

Prince, meanwhile, didn't want to renew his bond with Debbie, and felt that Paris should stop seeing her as well.

"He has these massive fights with her and calls Paris a backstabber for getting to know 'that woman.' Paris and Prince fight all the time, and it really hurts Paris as they used to be so close."

Debbie was married to Michael from 1996 to 1999. In 2001, she went to a judge to have her parental rights terminated, but had asked to have the decision reversed in 2004.

Prince and Paris also have a younger brother nicknamed Blanket (born 2002) from a surrogate mother.

Meanwhile, law enforcement sources told TMZ that based on the information the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has gathered, Paris was just calling for attention when she attempted to take her life.

The insiders claimed that her call to a suicide hotline is compelling evidence that she "wanted to be saved."

"It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house."

Cops have officially classified the situation as a "suicide attempt," but they didn't truly believe that her real intention was to take her own life.

"She's into the drama," a source told the Web site.

Paris used a meat cleaver to cut her arms and took a lot of Motrin, a pain reliever.

"Who takes Motrin to kill themselves? She called the suicide hotline because she wanted the attention and wanted to make sure EMTs got there in time."

Also read:

Paris Jackson Posted Makeup Tutorial Video Days Before Suicide Attempt