The Filipinos appear to still have not forgotten nor forgiven Canadian Crooner, Justin Bieber. In fact, Philippine lawmakers have already issued a legal ban if Bieber still does not release a public apology for the distasteful jabs at Philippine Boxing Champ, Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao of which he had posted on his Instagram account. What do "Beliebers" have to say about the "Persona Non Grata" ban on Bieber?

Mock one Filipino and the whole nation follows suit to defend the fallen. This is the exact case of which Bieber has been involved in all thanks to a "simple boxing comment" he had made on his Instagram account. Following the humiliating defeat of Manny Pacquiao to Juan Marquez, Justin Bieber had immediately posted two edited photos of the fallen boxing champ on Instagram.

The photos showed Pacman being woken up by Simba of "The Lion King" with the caption that read, "Wake Up Dad." The other photo was of Pacman with the late Michael Jackson with the caption that said, "Pacman doing the MJ Lean."

While a few "Beliebers" found this funny, Filipinos found this rude and demeaning. Rather than apologizing, Bieber had simply shrugged it off. To add fuel to the fire, Justin had even made a comment on how Mayweather would gain nothing from a fight with Manny Pacquiao.

"Floyd has never in his professional career lost a fight and Pacquiao lost his last two fights... If Floyd wins, it's not that big of a deal (because) it would be his third loss in a row," said Bieber, adding, "And if he (Mayweather) loses, he's gonna ruin his legacy. Either way, there's no big win for Mayweather... Mayweather is boxing."

A simple apology is what Filipino netizens are after and Bieber is taking quite the time to do such. Due to that, Philippine lawmakers have pushed for a ban in House Resolution No. 2962. YACAP Party-list Representative, Carol Jane Lopez had even declared Bieber "persona non grata" if he still refuses to issue an apology to the Philippine nation.

"As his colleagues in this august body, it is incumbent upon us to demand an apology from Mr. Justin Bieber lest, we declare him persona non grata in this country," stated the resolution.

In short, Bieber would be banned from the Philippine shores if a public apology is not given. A simple boxing comment or not, an apology is all the Filipinos are asking for and if Bieber is truly one of the most polite celebrities of 2012, then a "sorry" would be so easy to do.