In the darkness of a cold night shrouded by heavy fog, a military convoy carrying Azerbaijani flags slowly crossed the deserted centre of the town of Lachin southwest of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Baku's army entered Lachin in the early hours of Tuesday, marking the official handover of the last of three districts ceded by Armenia under a Moscow-brokered peace deal that ended weeks of fighting over the Karabakh enclave.

An Azerbaijani soldier fixes a national flag on a lamp post in the town of Lachin,  the final district given up by Armenia in a peace deal that ended weeks of fighting over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh
An Azerbaijani soldier fixes a national flag on a lamp post in the town of Lachin, the final district given up by Armenia in a peace deal that ended weeks of fighting over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh AFP / Karen MINASYAN

The ex-Soviet foes agreed to the ceasefire in early November after Baku reclaimed swathes of territory that for three decades were under Armenian control, including Lachin.

Accompanied by Russian peacekeepers deployed under the agreement, the Azerbaijani convoy journeyed through the district before the soldiers posed for photographs to celebrate their victory.

A column of Azerbaijani military trucks flanked by Russian peacekeepers drives along the road near the town of Lachin
A column of Azerbaijani military trucks flanked by Russian peacekeepers drives along the road near the town of Lachin AFP / Karen MINASYAN

The trucks followed the route of the Lachin corridor -- a strategic highway linking Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh -- to the Armenian border before turning off into Azerbaijani-held territory.

A jeep and a truck then returned to Lachin, where a dozen soldiers stood at attention as they took a photo outside a building housing the tax office.

Baku's army entered Lachin early Tuesday, marking the official handover of the last of three districts ceded by Armenia under a Moscow-brokered peace deal
Baku's army entered Lachin early Tuesday, marking the official handover of the last of three districts ceded by Armenia under a Moscow-brokered peace deal AFP / Karen MINASYAN

They gathered again the next morning, this time next to an Azerbaijani flag raised by the side of the road, to photograph and film another convoy carrying a senior officer.

With the arrival of the Azerbaijanis, most of Lachin's residents decided to leave. But those who stayed want to believe that better days will come.

With the arrival of the Azerbaijanis, most of Lachin's residents decided to leave
With the arrival of the Azerbaijanis, most of Lachin's residents decided to leave AFP / Karen MINASYAN
Russian peacekeepers man a checkpoint in the town of Lachin
Russian peacekeepers man a checkpoint in the town of Lachin AFP / Karen MINASYAN

"We will stay here and we will live here," said Vashen Sargsyan, a 35-year-old farmer.

"Everything is fine, I have no fear... There are and there will be difficulties, but we will overcome them."

Prodding her cows forward with a long stick, Asya Petrosyan drives the herd along the snow-covered Lachin corridor, the last road out of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. With Azerbaijani forces preparing to take back this district on Tuesday, the 67-year-old
Prodding her cows forward with a long stick, Asya Petrosyan drives the herd along the snow-covered Lachin corridor, the last road out of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. With Azerbaijani forces preparing to take back this district on Tuesday, the 67-year-old is rushing to bring 30 animals more than 55 kilometres (35 miles) to the town of Goris across the border in Armenia. AFPTV / Andrey BORODULIN

On Lachin's main square, the Russian peacekeepers helped move the traffic along or stopped it for the passage of Azerbaijani soldiers.

As a vehicle transporting the general commanding Russian forces passed by, heading towards the Armenian border, the soldiers stiffened in impeccable attention.

Around midday, a third convoy of 20 trucks carrying Azerbaijani troops also headed towards the border.

Near the border, the status of the village of Aghavno was uncertain.

Most residents left but nine families of the 50 or so who lived there decided to stay.

Among them is pregnant Narine Rasoyan and her five children. Her sister Karine -- a mother of two -- also remained.

"Nobody ever came to see us here to tell us to leave," 34-year-old Narine said, angry with authorities.

For her, the arrival of the Azerbaijanis "does not change anything".

Karine, 37, added: "We want to continue living here. If the authorities force us to leave then they should give us a house elsewhere."

In the village there has been no electricity, internet or phone connection for a few days.

The two sisters blame the Azerbaijanis, who Armenians refer to as Turks.