PlayStation Plus July 2016 free games, PS Plus subscribers has grown to over 20M subscribers

Sony has unveiled the lineup for the PlayStation Plus July 2016. As usual, there are two games each for the three PlayStation platforms, as well as an extra for PS Plus subscribers.
Announced over the PlayStation Blog, PS4 players are getting “Furi” and “Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell” for free this month. The Game Bakers’ new game “Furi” sees players against all-boss fighters in one-on-one duels. Players will fight off guardians, which have been designed by Takashi Okazaki, creator of Afro Samurai.
Even with simple mechanics—shoot, slash, dodge and parry—the game is dependent on player reactivity, so improvement with progression is highly possible.
“The depth comes from the differences between the guardians. It’s about how you play a few moves differently to beat a different opponent,” said the developer in the official website.
The other PS4 game is “Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell.” This is a good deal, assuming that players haven’t bought the “Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell” in the Mid-Year Sale Week 1, which is currently ongoing as well.
PS3 players can get “Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood” and “Fat Princess.” For PS Vita, “Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines” and “Prince of Persia: Revelation.” As an extra, PS Plus subscribers can already access “Paragon” even before it goes on open beta on Aug. 16.
Part of the early access is a Starter Pack, which contains three Master Challenges for Gadget, Murdock and Rampage. This will unlock skins, deck slots, XP boosts, emotes and more for free, though it’s usually priced at US$40.
In a recent report from Sony for Investor Day 2016, the company confirmed that the PS Plus program has grown considerably. The service has gained 20.8 million subscribers who use a variety of Sony devices, VG 247 reported.
For the 2016 fiscal year, Sony is looking forward to capitalising on opportunities in digital. This includes new gaming experiences offered by the PlayStation VR. The company mentioned having VR enterprise solutions on various interactive technologies, where they can apply and expand the PS VR ecosystem to encompass non-gaming programs.
Sadly, the document did not make mention of the PS4 Neo anywhere, even in future-forward plans for the 2016 financial year. This is an odd move, considering that the PS4 Neo is meant to go against the Xbox Scorpio.