‘Pokemon GO’ Christmas event tips & tricks for maximum fun; Data miners find evidence of holiday gifts & items

Everybody is expecting the “Pokemon GO” Christmas event to be big, in fact, bigger than the Thanksgiving and Halloween events. The Christmas event is expected to reward players for getting back into the game. Niantic may bring a number of changes to the gameplay and the update may roll out anytime now. Players may be allowed to double the XP once they catch and evolve the creatures or defeat them at Gyms.
There are certain “Pokemon GO” tips and tricks that every player can follow to double the fun during the Christmas event. The latest update has made transferring multiple Pokemon at once to the Professor. Press and hold a Pokemon to select it and then select other Pokemon to transfer. Catching everything will be advantageous during this period. Players may even catch Ditto that way.
As per Mirror.co.uk, catching lots of Pokemon during “Pokemon GO” Christmas event is only possible when they can find them. For this, players can always use the Nearby tool to find the elusive creatures. Up to now, Niantic has only released a handful of Gen 2 Pokemon. However, the developer may release all the 100 characters during the Christmas event.
While this would be great for a player’s Pokemon roster, they will also be able to evolve certain old favourites even further. Eevee, Slowpoke, Zubat and Seadra can all be evolved further. However, in order to get a lead in evolving to those extra levels, “Pokemon GO” players should start catching these specific Pokemon from now.
According to Forbes, players have up to now received a Santa hat-wearing Pikachu to mark the “festive” occasion. There got to be more. Silph Road data miners have found clues that point to an actual “Pokemon GO” Christmas event. While going through the codes, they found new “present/gift” images. The code also has a line “HasHolidayItems.” All these point towards an actual “Pokemon GO” Christmas event.