Predictions have been cast for the PS4 and Xbox One since the two butted heads at the E3 2013. Since then, analysts have been trying to predict how they will fare going on the reception of gamers for the next-gen consoles.

However, new report from the research firm International Data Corporation has put the PS4 in a better spot yet again with a prediction for 2016. According to GameSpot, the PS4 is predicted to reach the 51 million mark in terms of global sales come 2016, and this number will supposedly outpace the Xbox One.

Of course, that's not to say that there's no hope for the Xbox One to gain better footing in the future. It's already admirable in the way that Microsoft is trying to roll out a lot of features that fans have been requesting for with various updates. And it has already come a long way from what it used to be when the Xbox One was first announced.

But things always go back to unbundling of the Xbox One and the infamous Kinect, and according to IDC, if this happens, the Xbox One may leap to become the market leader in North America. This comes with the lowered price of the Xbox One, though there's something to be said about the many lower-priced bundles for the Xbox One.

A good example is the lowered Xbox One and Titanfall bundle, which almost gives the Titanfall game for free alongside other perks. Still, maybe what the Xbox One needs is more time for the fans to get accustomed to the advantages of some of Xbox One's features.

Great show slated for Destiny and Sony

Sony isn't going to let this year's E3 pass by without making waves again, and it seems to be planning on doing just that with Activision's new and pretty hyped IP, Destiny. DualShockers reports that, during Activision's conference call, it was announced that Destiny seems to be building quite the rep for being one of the most pre-ordered new IPs around.

But aside from this, it should be noted that Destiny is getting ready to be showcased alongside "great partner Sony" at E3 2014. This is an interesting statement, considering how Activision was previously accused of having a preference over Sony and the PS4 when it comes to the Destiny IP.

It may also be due to the fact that developer Bungie has confirmed the launch of the beta version of Destiny as early as July. In addition, those who pre-ordered the PS4 and PS3 versions of Destiny are entitled to first dibs for the beta, reports Joystiq.

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