Apple's rumored 7-inch tablet, iPad Mini, may outsell the company's latest generation of iPhone.

Tech giant Apple is bringing out its bigger guns in the much talked about media event in September. There is no confirmation yet on what Apple will be unveiling. However, rumors hinted that the company will be revealing the iPhone 5 and the iPad Mini.

The question is, which of the two will be more successful?

Below are some of the reasons we gathered why the new product iPad Mini may outsell iPhone 5.

  1. Not a smaller version of iPad - One of the rumors flocking iPad Mini is that it will not be a smaller version of Apple's 10-inch tablet, iPad. The iPad Mini is expected to have a 7.85-inch screen (about two inches less than the current iPad) and be significantly thinner. It will resemble a larger iPod Touch.
  2. Consumers are curious of the device - Since it is a new product from Apple, fans and consumers will have immense curiosity on what the company packed in the gadget. The market of 7-inch tablets is currently dominated by Android devices. If Apple jumped the bandwagon, it will surely aim for the top of the pyramid.
  3. Integration of Apple TV - Rumors said that iPad Mini will integrate Apple TV. Apple is rumored to be releasing a dedicated television set that will solely run off AT&T and Verizon's cable service in addition to a dedicated TV set-top device that would allow the user to pick its own cable provider. However, the idea is that the iPad would be fully-integrated with the TV and even serve as its remote control. The Apple TV service would include a cloud-based DVR that would allow users to watch their on any of their iOS devices.

According to the schematics, the iPad Mini is 7.3 mm thick, 134.73mm wide, 200.13mm long, and feature a mini dock connector, redesigned speakers, and add a microphone on the backside. Moreover, the iPad Mini will feature a rear camera and a front camera for FaceTime, although the pixels of shooters are not yet revealed.

Reports say that the screens will feature indium gallium zinc oxide panel technology. This seems possible since Apple included Sharp in its line of suppliers for screen panels. Currently, 60 to 70 percent of screen panels are supplied by Samsung, with the rest shared by LG Display and Sharp.

Everyone is holding their breath for September 12, the date when Apple is expected to unveil its two products. According to the rumors, the iPhone 5 should be good to go for preorders on the launch and will be released on September 21. However, it is still unclear when the iPad Mini would be released.