'The Royals' TV Series Episode 7 Recap: The King Finally Passes A Referendum To Abolish The Monarchy

In this week’s episode of the new TV series “The Royals,” the shadow that has been looming over the Royal Family has finally turned into a full on nightmare. King Simon has had the final straw and has finally passed the referendum to abolish the Monarchy. The rest of the family played their part in it and are reacting in their own contrasting ways.
Princess Eleanor returns from Monaco broken hearted. She tries to find solace in her bodyguard and lover Jasper but finds out that he has been transferred to her mother, Queen Helena. Meanwhile, her brother Prince Liam is also dealing with the aftermath of the Monaco trip.
Liam has finally sorted out his love triangle and has decided to make his relationship with Ophelia official. Unfortunately, they are welcomed back to London with topless photos of Ophelia after she jokingly took off her top in Monaco.
Apart from the topless photo fiasco, footage of Ophelia aiming the Meruvian ceremonial bow and arrow at an oil tycoon has also gone viral. The King of Meruvia is calling for a public apology and Ophelia’s photo has turned into a full-blown Royal scandal.
Liam eventually tries to sort things out but he is unaware that the King is already sick and tired of his entire family’s antics. He announces on national television that he has passed the referendum to abolish the Monarchy. He explains that he has not only failed the people of England as their ruler but he has also failed as a husband and as a father considering the way that his entire family is acting up.
Once the announcement is made, the King assures the palace staff that they will be taken care of. However, he is shocked to learn that his brother Cyrus has fired Prudence, the young maid that he has become very close to. He goes off the handle and tells both Cyrus and Queen Helena that they have gone too far.
He points out Helena’s lovers and tells her that he does not want to be her husband a day longer. He also tells Cyrus that he will be stripped of all his titles and lose the position in the monarchy that he loves so much.
With everything falling apart in the Royal household, the Grand Duchess Alexandra of Oxford arrives. She is the Queen’s mother and she has some harsh words for the Queen. She is furious that Helena has made a mess out of things. She reminds Helena of what it took to get her to the crown and what she needs to do to keep it. The Grand Duchess reminds Helena not to let her feelings for her lover Allister Lacey get in the way of running her empire. Helena feels desperate and tells Cyrus that she thinks that they are now powerless to save the monarchy. Cyrus assures her that there are still things that could be done.
Princess Eleanor is devastated by the referendum and speaks to her father. She admits that she has been a disappointment but pleads for him to give Liam another chance. Eventually, Liam also approaches the King. He talks to his father and says that he failed as a son and heir to the throne. The King softens up a little and invites Liam to the tunnels so that they can sneak out and see the city incognito. The King promises to tell Liam everything that has led him to his decision.
At the designated hour of their meeting, Liam gets distracted by Ophelia and arrives late. King Simon takes a walk on his own. Meanwhile, Ophelia is left along in her room and she spots Cyrus sneaking out of the palace.
As the King walks alone outside the palace gates, he is attacked. He stumbles over to the gates and identifies himself to the guards. He ends up sprawled on the steps with blood all over him. King Simon’s fate and what becomes of the rest of the Monarchy will be revealed when “The Royals” returns next Sunday at 10 pm on E.
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