Hollywood's Kooky Couple is no more. The rumors proved true as Russell Brand bids Katy Perry goodbye.

It was first announced on Twitter and "oh my" were the tweets coming in from all over the world. The trending topic was none other than "Fireworks" singer Katy Perry and her alleged divorce from "Arthur" star Russell Brand.

"Just cause we don't flaunt our relationship doesn't mean there's something wrong w/ it. Privacy is our luxury. #tabloidsrtrash #gossipisgross," says a tweet on Katy Perry's Twitter account last July when divorce claims were high.

Despite the couple saying that there was nothing wrong with their marriage, news said otherwise. Days after Brand was spotted in London without his wedding ring, rumors spread like wildfire.

Now fans ask what happens now.

"Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage," says Brand in an interview with TMZ. "I'll always adore her and I know we'll remain friends."

No wonder the couple spent the holidays apart. Brand's decision for a divorce is truly one way to end the year with a bang. He claims "irreconcilable differences." Is that truly the reason? Viewers of the "Ellen" Degeneres Show would say otherwise or was Brand lying when he said the statement below?

"I'm really happily married... I'm married to Katy. Perpetually, until death do us part was the pledge. I'm still alive," said Brand.

So who is the "wicked little liar" now, Brand: the Internet or you? Well, a year of dating and a year of marriage simply prove that nothing is forever in Hollywood and Perry had yet another man that got away. Apart from irreconcilable differences, would Brand's desire to have kids with Perry also the reason for the divorce?

No word yet from Perry, who is said to be frolicking under the sun at Kauai, Hawaii. Sadly the couple's divorce was a rumor a lot of fans hoped were untrue and now Hollywood has another divorce to talk about.