Only the ads that invoke extreme sensations really get the attention of consumers. That’s why the most memorable commercials ever played on air and online are mostly either funny or poignant. But a tyre company in Japan decided to take a different yet apparently as effective route by creating what the media now calls the scariest ad ever made.

Autoway Tires has taken a fresh approach in getting viewers to pay attention to its products. The Japanese company thought to emulate a scene from typical horror stories to frighten customers into buying their product.

“Not for the faint of heart,” reads a warning at the beginning of the 40-second advert, which leads one to wonder, how often do tyre companies need to display a health warning before showing their ad?

Almost never, but in this particular case, the warning is warranted.

The message continues with another warning that reads, “Please refrain from watching the content if any of the following applies to you: Have any mental or physical health concern and may have to see a doctor regularly.

“We shall not be liable for any injuries, illness, and damages claimed to be caused by watching the contents.”

The ad aims to show how the company’s products can perform in unpredictable and extremely dangerous conditions. And if its tyres perform as efficiently as those shown in the ad, then the company has no problem getting its message across.

The ad was uploaded on YouTube in mid-November, and so far has over 2.6 million views.

Describing the video will ruin the whole experience, so watch the video below and enjoy!