A National Park in the Moon, Hope Americans

A national park wil be established on the landing sites in the Moon, used by missions between 1969 and 1972 by Apollo, proposed legislation in the House of Representatives.
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FIFA World Cup trophy

Germany vs. United States Soccer Match in Space

With the FIFA World Cup 2014 going on, looks like the whole world seems to be soccer crazy. Three astronauts, two from United States, Reid Wiseman and Steve Swanson, and one from Germany, Alexander Gerst, played soccer in space.
Hubble Space Telescope

Construction of a Huge Telescope for Alien Hunt

Astronomers are pushing themselves to construct a huge telescope in space rather than launching a single rocket. They came up with this idea as the Hubble Space Telescope and Kepler aren't going to be of much use now as they are old and crippled.

Asteroid HQ124: NASA Captures Images of 'The Beast' Asteroid nearby Earth

The NASA Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer discovered Asteroid HQ124 moving at 31,000 miles per hour or 50,400 kilometers per hour in space. Researchers at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) did not waste any time in learning more about the potentially hazardous asteroid given the nickname “The Beast.”

Moon Borne Out of Its Own "Big Bang" Incident, Revealed Study

There has always been questions regarding the origins of the Earth's lone lunar orb and a recent study by German scientists strength notions about how the moon came about. Analyses on chemical compositions through precise laser-based methods were conducted on the lunar rock samples brought home by Apollo mission astronauts over four decades ago have indicated a cataclysmic event between the Earth and Mars-sized planet.

Mars Mission: It's Now or Never

The National Research Council has released a long-awaited report penned by a group of experts on the United States' human spaceflight program. The report discusses the goal for humans to reach Mars and the critical concerns regarding funding such a momentous objective.

MH370 Disappearance Involves ‘Stray Bullet’ That Was Fired During Hijack 'Struggle,' Suggests British Pilot; Scientist Claims Pings Were Not From Missing Malaysian Aircraft

While mystery behind missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 remains unsolved, more and more conspiracy theories and claims are surfacing. According to the latest update, a British author claims that the plane may have gone down after a “stray bullet” was fired in a possible struggle during a hijack. Meanwhile, Scientists questions the investigation and suggests that “pings” were not from missing Boeing 777. Keep reading to find out more details.

NASA 'Balloon Campaign' Goes to Australia

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the University of Wyoming teamed up with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in Darwin, Australia for the balloon campaign.

UFO Sightings: 'Ghostbusters' Actor Dan Aykroyd Recounts Personal UFO Sighting, Recommends MUFON at Crystal Head Vodka Signing [WATCH VIDEOS]

“Ghostbusters” actor Dan Aykroyd recounted his personal UFO sighting experience and recommended MUFON as the Web site that people should go to in finding UFO reports during an interview at the Crystal Head Vodka signing event in Attleboro, Massachusetts. The YouTube video interview was published in 2011 but Dan Aykroyd’s statements were interesting that it got reiterated in some reports.

UFO Sightings: Three Round Metal Objects Falls from the Sky in Heilongjiang, China

In China, witnesses from the Heilongjiang province reported three unidentified objects falling from the sky and crashing on the village grounds at around 6 am last Friday, May 16. Some of the witnesses claimed they saw a “fireball” and heard a “loud, piercing noise” before the UFOs hit the ground, particularly a vegetable garden of one villager.
