A jolt to the penis can boost erection and can cure impotence according to a study conducted in Rambam Healthcare Campus in Haifa.

A new therapeutic method was created by a group of scientists in Rambam Healthcare Campus. They called it low-intensity extracorpeal shock wave therapy. Last year, the group announced that shock waves affect tissues, both live and in culture dishes, of men with erectile dysfunction. They claimed that the shock waves regenerate the growth of new blood vessels. And this is really important because erections are mainly caused by increased blood flow to the penile blood vessels.

As men get older, different chronic diseases can cause erectile dysfunction. Diabetes or cardiovascular diseases can degrade the penile blood vessels.

The team conducted the study by observing patients who have complicating and chronic diseases like diabetes and those who are no longer affected by erectile dysfunction drugs.

Treatment sessions were done twice every week for three weeks. After that, the patients had three weeks break and then back to the treatment course for another three weeks. Men were given 300 shocks for 30 minutes on each treatment which were directed five points along the penis shaft.

Because the shocks were tiny, patients do not experience any pain or discomfort at all.

The team was able to confirm the success of their therapy when 75% of the patients improved their erection scores. In fact, 8 men or 30% of the 29 patients observed had normal erections when they used erectile dysfunction medications.

Knowing the effectiveness of this therapy, it is most likely that men can improve their sex life and can be used in reproduction.

Effects in the Growing Number of Population

Almost one in ten men all over the world suffers from erectile dysfunction. The number is huge enough to be alarmed. However, with the help of low-intensity extracorpeal shock wave therapy, there will be less men suffering from this problem.

This is like giving back men’s pride and honor. They will again achieve a satisfying sex life and will most likely produce their children.

But these men should hold their fires, for the population is continuously increasing. However, if they really want to start up their family and have children, then they are free to do it. After all, that’s the purpose of this study. Who knows they might just have the 8 billionth baby?