It seems like Sinead O' Connor wasn't done with her first letter to Miley Cyrus and has another one that she wants the star to read about.

Cyrus retaliated to the first open letter that Sinead O' Connor made to tell Cyrus to not be a part of the ploy in prostitution, the "Wrecking Ball" singer posted tweets of the Irish singer that just infuriated Sinead.

"Miley...Really? Who the f-ck is advising you? Because taking me on is even more f-ckin' stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism. You have posted today tweets of mine which are two years old, which were posted by me when I was unwell and seeking help so as to make them look like they are recent. In doing so you mock myself and Amanda Bynes for having suffered with mental health issues and for having sought help.

The singer continued saying:

"I am staggered that any 20 yr old woman of the 21st century could behave in such a dangerous and irresponsible manner as to not only send the signal to young women that its ok to act like prostitutes but also to the signal that those who have suffered or do suffer mental health problems are to be mocked and have their opinions invalidated. Have you no sense of danger at all?"

The open letter of Sinead continues saying:

"wake up and understand" how her behavior can affect others. "I hope that you will apologize to Amanda Bynes and to any person who has been wounded by your mockery of those who have suffered, Furthermore you posted a photo of me tearing the pope's if to imply insanity, I suggest you read The Philadelphia Report, The Boston Report, all the reports which will illuminate for you why that action of mine remains sane and valid. By mocking it you mock every child who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of priests and had it covered by the Vatican. You could really do with educating yourself, that is if you're not too busy getting your t-ts out to read."

Miley's response was made through her twitter account saying:

"Sinead. I don't have time to write you an open letter cause Im hosting & performing on SNL this week, So if youd like to meet up and talk lemme know in your next letter. :)"

Fans have reacted to this and many are on the side of Sinead. This round goes to Sinead, checkmate Miley.