Skeletal Remains Of A Child Found Near Highway In South Australia

On Wednesday, a passing motorist near the Karoonda Highway in South Australia found skeletal remains of a child. After reporting it to the police, search teams found out that the child has been murdered and disposed off the bones about two kilometres west of Wynarka, about 130 kilometres east of Adelaide in South Australia.
The motorist’s attention was drawn to the remains left on the side of the road while he was driving along the Karoonda Highway, reported the Detective superintendent Des Bray. According to ABC news, the motorist also reported to have found a suitcase with clothes scattered around which was left about two to six weeks ago. The incident has been termed as a “major crime” and the police forces have promised to lead a foreign investigation into the matter.
"Young children don't disappear without people noticing, it's foul play,” Mr. Bray said, reported Skynews. He has asked people in the neighbourhood to think about their friends, relatives or acquaintances, which might help them to discover any insight of a missing child. Forensic experts and a team of 20 State Emergency Service volunteers returned to the crime scene searching records of missing persons and clues.
Gary Burns, Commissioner of Police said that people living in the vicinity or passing the road regularly would be investigated. However, gender of the young child remained unknown. Mr. Bray remained confident in finding out the matter as he said that somebody in the vicinity must have some idea about it. Meanwhile, police have extended its search to the interstate missing persons databases because no one was found on the South Australian database who was matching the discovery, reported ABC news.
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