Researchers found a new and simple weapon to battle the ongoing war with ageing - Antibiotics. Current experimentation extends lifespan by around 60 per cent.

Nature Journal has a new report led by Joan Auwerx, head of EPFL's Laboratory of Integrative and Systemic Physiology and his team of researchers determining a new way to fight ageing and increase longevity.

Researchers analysed mice genomes which are related to longevity and found a group of three genes on their chromosome number two that previously had not been linked to ageing. They found a 50 per cent reduction in the expression of these which increased a mouse life by up to 250 days. Proteins found on their genetic code were reproduced in a species of roundworms.

"By reducing the production of these proteins during the worms' growth phase, we significantly increased their longevity," Auwerx press release.

Normally, a worm's life lasts for 19 days and with the experiment, it jumped to more than 30 days resulting to 60 per cent increase on lifespan. These worms are not even genetically manipulated and when the antibiotics were given, they didn't only just live longer but also moved twice as much as the other worms.

"This research gives us hope not only for increasing longevity, but also for lengthening the period of adult vitality, and doing this with simple drugs such as antibiotics," Auwerx added.

This new study may lead researchers to the final answer on how to truly delay ageing and increase human lifespan, but they warn that more is needed to confirm the effects of how the antibiotics could be used to slow down ageing in mammals.

Causes of Ageing

Ageing is a multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social change which expands over time. This process is caused by several factors including biological to all living things, genetics, habits, diseases and lifestyle.

Coping on Ageing

Ageing may afflict one's self-esteem and point of view in everyone. Psychologists examines coping skills in elderly, social support from variety of groups engage activities to cope with the stressful events in later life and relationships to keep oneself connected to maintain a quality life.

Successful Ageing

Some individuals achieved ageing without any regrets or remorse from their youth and continue to live life to the fullest.

  • No physical disability over the age 75 as rated by a physician
  • Good subjective health self-ratings
  • Length of non-disabled life
  • Positive mental health
  • Social support participation
  • Self-satisfaction in marriage, work, children, friendship, hobbies and recreation

Science Countering Ageing

Science has already lead on creation of thousands of drugs and other food supplements to counter ageing. Other sources are more focused on beautification or natural remedies.

1. Beauty Skin Clinics - Provides service to restore youthful skin, reduce body fat and even sculpting of the body.

2. Medications - Hormone treatments are used sometime to both genders for restoring lost vitality. Science links several chemicals in our body which depletes with age and artificial versions are suggested to prevent ageing.

3. Mental Capabilities - Peace of mind and relaxation helps stress which is also linked to ageing and common among people living in the city.

4. Natural Diet - Food plays a significant role in ageing. Fat, salty and sweet diet may cause diseases that lead to the body to deteriorate quickly.

5. Physical Exertion - Sports, recreation and exercise reduces ageing that allows the body to retain its natural endurance and resilience compared to those who do not participate in such activities.

Advanced scientific proposals under development to extend lifespan of humans which includes nanotechnology to prevent cells from dying, cloning and artificial body part replacement, cryonics to replicated hibernation, genetic modification, and mind uploading to transfer the conscious mind to a computer system.