'Solo: A Star Wars Story': New footage released

A new featurette of “Solo: A Star Wars Story” has been released online, and the video gives the fans a better look at the evolution of Han (Alden Ehrenreich) into the character that everyone knows and loves. Director Ron Howard also appears in the video to talk about making the film and about the visuals.
The visuals say it all, and the director pointed out in the video [see below] that the upcoming movie is different from anything else that the fans of the franchise have seen before. The plot is set at a time and place where the Empire controls everything.
People across the galaxy are struggling to survive, and then Han Solo arrives on the scene. The hero is a free spirited man, but the cast members of the film reveal that the movie will show the character from the time before he got to be the way he was in the earlier movies.
Han appears to join the Empire at first. But, he eventually takes a different route. The battle scenes in the film are also exciting to watch.
Howard summed up the film as a rites of passage. There are a number of tests and trials that Han needs to pass in order to become the lovable scoundrel.
There are two important scenes in the film. The first is Han’s game with Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover), in which he is expected to win the Millennium Falcon, and the second is the hero meeting Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) for the very first time.
Han will be able to pull off some exciting things because he is reckless. “He does these stupid things that should never work, and they do,” Emilia Clark (Qi’ Ra) says in the video.
“Solo: A Star Wars Story” is set to be released on May 24 in Australia.
Credit: Star Wars/ YouTube