'Star Wars: Episode 8' spoilers: Rey's background teased

A former employee of Lucasfilms, Iain McCaig teased some details about Rey’s background, which may be revealed in “Star Wars: Episode 8.” McCaig is an artistic director who has worked on the storyboard and concept art of the prequel trilogy and “The Force Awakens.”
[Spoiler alert]
At a conference that took place a few weeks ago McCaig was asked about Rey’s (Daisy Ridley) background, Star Wars News Net reports. He talked about how the early drafts of “The Force Awakens” teased an affair between Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Shmi Skywalker (Pernilla August).
Disney evidently did not use any prequel related ideas, which may be out of fear of fan backlash. However, the ideas apparently still remain in the Lucas ecosystem. McCaig then went on to say “now we have a new Skywalker.” This statement is being seen as proof that Rey is either Luke’s (Mark Hamill) daughter or has some connection to the Skywalker family.
The report speculates that “Star Wars: Episode 8” will reveal how a girl was born after a grey Jedi, which could be Luke, had an affair with a citizen. There is also the possibility of Rey being born to a virgin mother through the Force.
Since the report is from an eye witness account from an event that took place many weeks ago, there could be some mistakes in the report. When Star Wars News Net contacted McCaig about his comments he confirmed that there were some inaccuracies.
McCaig refused to clarify his statements because he was concerned about spoiling the upcoming movie. He said that “Star Wars” movies were like “the best Christmas presents ever.”
“Star Wars: Episode 8” is set to be released on Dec. 15, 2017 in Australia. The movie is being directed by Rian Johnson. As “The Force Awakens” only gave brief glimpses of the past, the upcoming movie is expected to reveal the real identity of Rey.