There have been very few details revealed so far about Cara Delevingne’s role in “Suicide Squad.” The Victoria’s Secret model, who plays Enchantress, has also remained cautious with her words during interviews about her character. It’s no different with her recent interview with Empire magazine, where she talked a little bit about how she prepared for her role.

Delevingne shared some details about the mysterious Enchantress during an exclusive interview with Empire magazine for its December issue. The model turned actress was asked to describe her character June Moone, who in the DC comics later became known as Enchantress.

“June is an adventure seeker who's always wanted some excitement. And she gets what she wished for, but in a terrible way,” Delevingne told Empire.

Comic Book Movie reports that Delevingne also teased a bit of scene spoiler for “Suicide Squad" in the same interview with Empire. The actress revealed where Moone will be at when the film starts.

“At the start of the movie she discovers a cavern and finds...something...within,” the model-turned-actress said, referring to that “something” as the evil spirit that possesses June to become the Enchantress.

Delevingne also talked about her evil character Enchantress and described her as “an ancient sorceress” and a “feral being.”

“She's been trapped for so long and now she's finally let out,” she told Empire magazine.

The 23-year-old plays two opposing characters in “Suicide Squad.” One is the good-natured June while the other is the evil Enchantress. When asked how she prepared for her portrayal of the characters, Delevingne reportedly had to master two different accents. With Enchantress she had the “deeper and posher” accent than June's.

“I'd last Nick Cave's Red Right Hand, that song about the devil. Also a lot of Megadeth. Just evil stuff,” she said in the Comic Book Movie report.

A previous report claimed Delevingne visited a psychotherapist to ask some advice about her role in “Suicide Squad.” It’s believed she had trouble portraying a character with two opposing personalities or with split personalities, so she had enlisted herself for a session with the shrink. A source claimed the actress visited the therapist every day as part of her research on how to play the role of Enchantress.

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