Cara Delevingne Talks Superhero Movies, Assures 'Suicide Squad' Will Be 'Insane'

Cara Delevingne recently talked about what fans should expect to see from David Ayer’s film “Suicide Squad,” where she plays the role of Enchantress. The supermodel turned actress also shared her favourite superhero character.
Cara Delevingne manages to keep mum on details about her character in “Suicide Squad.” However, she assured during an interview with Entertainment Weekly that viewers will not be bored when they watch the film. “It’s f–king insane,” she said.
The actress also shared her excitement for “Suicide Squad.” “I’ve never been so excited to see a film and I’m actually in it,” she added. Cara declined to reveal any plot details but assured that the film is going to be the “best thing in the world.”
During the same interview, the “Paper Towns” actress also revealed that she’s not really a big fan of superhero movies. However, she admitted that she favours the Batman films over the other numerous superhero movies.
Cara Delevingne plays the role of the schizophrenic Enchantress in “Suicide Squad.” She reportedly found her role challenging and has asked the aid of a professional to teach her the ways of a person with two separate personalities. A source once revealed to the Daily Star that the actress has been seeing a psychotherapist to help her with her character portrayal.
“She’s dedicated to doing her research for the movie and has been seeing her psychotherapist every day. Her character is very dark so she has a lot to learn about the way to act,” the source said.
According to the source, Cara is struggling with portraying Enchantress because of their opposite personalities. In real life the 22-year old is said to be the laid-back and cheery type. Enchantress in the DC comics has split personalities; one is the kind-hearted and humble artist June Moore while the other is her alter-ego the evil spirit Enchantress.
Comicbook claimed it wouldn’t be a surprise if Cara Delevingne is indeed having daily sessions with a psychotherapist. Portraying the role of Enchantress in “Suicide Squad” is very challenging for any actress let alone for a newcomer like her.
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