The second episode of "Supernatural" Season 9 had Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) deal with one of their major problem: Abbadon (Alaina Huffman). The demon managed to return in her vessel with her eyes set on taking the throne from King of Hell Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and getting even with the Winchester brothers.

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Spoiler Alert: This review recaps the highlights of "Supernatural" Season 9, Episode 2 "Devil May Care."

Crowley is the junk in Dean's car trunk.

Dean revealed to Sam about Crowley tied and locked up in the trunk of his "Baby" Impala and then transferred him in the "Men of Letters" bunker with Kevin Tran (Osric Chau) who was obviously annoyed that the demon who tortured him is still alive. The Winchester brothers tried to fish out information from Crowley on the names and locations of all of the demons on Earth, but of course, Crowley refused to reveal what he knows.

Abaddon creates her military army (literally).

Abaddon thinks Crowley is dead, but the red-eyed demon tells her about the possibility that the King of Hell is still alive. Abaddon sets her plan in motion to take over Hell as the Queen and even make the angels with clipped wings bow down to her and when she wants an army of demons, she really means it.

Abaddon vs. Dean

Abaddon kidnaps two hunters and used them as bait to make Sam and Dean Winchester show up. "I want Crowley," Abaddon tells Dean while fighting with him. Sam, on the other hand, combats Abaddon's military demons but the younger Winchester brother seems to be weak and unable to defeat the enemies.

After sensing that Sam is in trouble, fallen angel Ezekiel (Tahmoh Penikett) took control and used angel powers to kill the demons and protect Sam at the same time. Abaddon looked stunned, fearful and quick to flee the scene after finding out that an angel was there to help the Winchester brothers without knowing that Sam was possessed by the angel Ezekiel.

The Dean and Zeke talk.

Ezekiel saves again Sam Winchester's life which made Dean Winchester have faith with the angel and even give him the nickname Zeke. "I'm trusting you Zeke," Dean tells Ezekiel with the hope that he is "one of the good guys." Zeke, in Sam's body, tells Dean that he is doing the right thing especially with the possession part because he is doing it for his brother whom he loves.

Crowley taunts Kevin.

In the "Men of Letters" bunker, Kevin was busy figuring out how to kill a "Knight of Hell" and reverse the spell that Metatron used in casting the angels out of Heaven. Crowley begins to taunt Kevin and mess up with his mind about his mother being alive and the Winchester brothers only using him.

The demon offered Kevin a deal that he would lead the way for Kevin to see his mother in exchange for his freedom. For a second, it is inevitable to think that Kevin will give in to Crowley's deal but thankfully he did not.

Even though Kevin did not release Crowley, he was still determined to leave Sam and Dean behind and find out the truth about his mo but a brief talk with Dean Winchester made Kevin change his mind. Dean convinced Kevin to stay by saying that he is actually a part of the Winchester family now.

Crowley offers an arrangement with the Winchester brothers.

Crowley started to give Sam and Dean two demon names just like they asked in the beginning. So what's the catch? Obviously, a tempting demon deal. If the Winchester brothers help Crowley with the things that he wants, he will return the favor by giving everything that Sam and Dean wants. Will the Winchesters give in to Crowley's deal?

Sam asking Dean if he's ready.

It is really going to be a busy season for Sam and Dean Winchester. The episode ending shows Sam asking Dean if he is ready for the stuff on their plate like the fallen angels, demons, Abaddon, a human Castiel (Misha Collins) and Crowley.

The CW has already released the episode synopsis for "Supernatural" Season 9, Episode 3 titled "I'm No Angel" and it will focus on human Castiel being hunted by the fallen angels. A part of the synopsis reads: "Ezekiel tells Dean a group of angels is hunting Castiel. Dean and Sam race to find their friend before the angels do."

"Supernatural" Season 9 Episode 3 "I'm No Angel" airs on Tuesday, October 22, at 9 p.m. ET on the CW network.

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