Gildart Jackson, the ABC reality series "Whodunnit" host, has been recently cast in the upcoming "Supernatural" Season 9. Mr Jackson hinted to Digital Spy that his character Haggerty, one of the "Men of Letters," may return in Season 9 Episode 4.

TV Fanatic previously reported that Gildart Jackson will appear in the TV series as a special guest, but the actor revealed that he could do more episodes. "I've been told it might become more than an episode. The character I'm playing is somebody who might return. I've heard that on other shows and it hasn't happened, and I've not heard it on shows when it has happened, but it's great to be doing this episode," Gildart revealed.

The character Haggerty will be featured in a flashback during the 1930s for the episode titled "Slumber Party. However, Gildart Jackson did not reveal if he will have scenes with the Winchester brothers that actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki portrays.

"It's very secretive on these shows, and I've been given a script that I can't talk about. So I'm afraid that Supernatural fans are just going to have to wait and see!" Mr Jackson exclaimed. In "Supernatural" Season 9, the fans could also expect some problems coming from the fallen angels.

Executive producer Robert Singer divulged some information about the angels' powers, the reappearance of some deceased angels, Castiel's romantic affair and the return of Metatron. "The angels that fall have full angel powers but they don't have any wings, so the only angel specialty they are lacking is they can't teleport. Other than that they can do all their angel stuff - they can smite, they can heal, do the things we've come to know from angels," the executive producer shared during the 2013 San Diego Comic Con according to the Give Me My Remote TV report.

Fans will start seeing Metatron again in the mid-part of the latest season. "I can tell you that while he exacted his revenge, he's finding it a little lonely up there. There are non-angels up there, there are all the souls that have risen to heaven, and he doesn't really have anybody up there to keep the electricity on," Mr Singer revealed.

He further teased the "Supernatural" fans: "I know there are angels that we really like that we killed off. And yes, I think we will reintroduce some angels. The Winchester brothers will be back in action when "Supernatural" Season 9 premieres on October 8 at the CW Television Network.