'Supernatural' Season 9 Spoilers: Sam and Dean Winchester Deal with the Haunted Bunker, Snooki to Appear in Episode 14 'Captives' [WATCH SNEAK PEEK VIDEO]
"Supernatural" fans will be disappointed with the news that Season 9 goes on a hiatus for two weeks. But the CW network decided to release a sneak peek video to tease some scenes in Episode 14 titled "Captives" and make the viewers eagerly waiting for their return. The promo video in the CarterMatt report reveals the guest appearance of "Jersey Shore" star Snooki in the upcoming episode.
The sneak peek video kicks off with the voiceover telling the viewers they should prepare for the next "Supernatural" episode. It looks like Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) will be working on a case inside the haunted "Men of Letters" bunker.
Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and Castiel (Misha Collins) returns in this episode with Crowley being described as unhinged. The King of Hell can be seen in the video weeping while lying on the bed. According to the Examiner report, Crowley may be having problems in getting hold of the First Blade to kill nemesis Abaddon (Alaina Huffman) and his campaign to reclaim hell from Abaddon is not going well.
As for Castiel, the angel is still wanted and the sneak peek video showed he is in trouble. Fallen angel Bartholomew (Adam J. Harrington) makes an appearance but Snooki's video clip appears to steal the spotlight.
"Dean, is that Snooki?" Sam asks looking stunned. "Guys, what happens in hell stays in hell," Snooki stated. According to the CarterMatt report, Snooki's involvement in this episode has surprised the "Supernatural" family (#SPNFamily) and it even became a trending topic on social networking site Twitter.
However, it is still unclear what Snooki is up to in the next "Supernatural" episode. The spoiler report continued to note that "Supernatural" had done a surprising guest appearance in the past.
Fans of the show can recall Paris Hilton got cast as pagan god Leshii in "Supernatural" Season 5, Episode 5 titled "Fallen Idols." The Examiner reports the TV series is scheduled to return from the break due to the Olympics with Episode 14 titled "Captives" on February 25, 2014. "Supernatural" Season 9 airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. on the CW network.
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