Surgery Removes 132 Lb Testicles from 49-Year-Old Man But Shrinks His Penis to Just 1 Inch (VIDEOS & PHOTOS)
A scrotal lymphedema prompted 49-year-old Wesley Warren Jr to undergo a 13-hour surgery to reduce the size of his testicles which had ballooned to 132 pounds. The enlargement was the result of Mr Warren accidentally knocking his testicles while turning over in bed in 2008, which resulted in a sharp shooting pain that made the tissues around his scrotum swell.
The swelling had worsened because of the ailment that Mr Warren had to wear a hoodie top as trousers to support the heavy load he was carrying around.
Walking was so difficult as was getting in and out of vehicles that when he fell on the pavement, it took four men to lift him up. He also couldn't have sex with his wife.
To alleviate his suffering, the Las Vegas resident decided to auction off his testicles on eBay to pay for the operation, but his surgeon, Dr Joel Gelman, agreement to perform the surgery for free in April 2012. The doctor is the head of the Center for Reconstructive Urology at the University of California, Irvine.
However, the downside to the surgical procedure is that his penis, which used to be normal size, is down to just one inch in length, and it does not expand any further.
"I know the majority of people are probably expecting me to express extreme happiness and glee that my life has been transformed since the sac has been removed - but it's not as simple as that," Sun quoted Mr Warren.
He added, quoted by Huffington Post, "I'm grateful to have been pulled down the fire, I was getting burned, but now I'm dealing with the first degree burns. I'm still disfigured."
Mr Warren's story will be aired in the Bodyshock programme of Channel 4 on Monday.