Toilet Paper Embossed with 24 Carat Gold Sells for $246 per Roll
Is it true that many people cannot live without toilet papers? The answer is yes. Though, not all, many countries think that toilet papers are not just simply papers anymore, but a necessity to their everyday lives. To German designer Fritz Loibl, however, toilet paper is a luxury.
At the Tissue Design workshop of Fritz Loibl in Grafenau, Germany, the production of gold embossed toilet papers change the way toilet papers are viewed. Each gold toilet paper roll is being sold worldwide at a cost of 179 euros or 246 U.S. dollars.
The designs on the toilet papers are customized. They are handcrafted by Mr Loibl with customized designs that can be used on weddings, birthdays, regular occasions, or anything that a customer wants.
In the history of toilet paper on Mental Floss Web site, it is stated that it was in 1890 that the production of toilet paper took its rise and became popular. In 2009, U.S. was reported to have used up more than $6 billion of toilet paper a year where Americans used 57 squares a day and 50 lbs. a year. Mental Floss stated that developing countries have contributed to the business success of toilet papers.
In May 2013, toilet paper reached headlines and even provoked economic debates in the country of Venezuela after it was reported that there had been a toilet paper shortage. Plans of "importing 39 million rolls of toilet papers" had been brought out on the table.
According to a Metro report, Mr Loibl said that most Tissue Design customers are buying his products as "a gift," while others "simply for decoration."
Gone were the days when pages from books, magazines and newspapers were used for sanitary purposes. Though, many countries still use water instead of toilet papers, there is no denying that there are times when toilet papers are just what a person needs.
The rise of luxury toilet papers with 24 carat gold that sells for $246 per roll all over the world is just the beginning of a new era for toilet paper users. According to Metro, the majority of Mr Loibl's buyers are luxury hotels or businesses that sell luxury goods.