As the world grows more dependent on technology, people who use laptops, PCs, smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices also develop bad habits on their usage along the way.

PC World listed 21 of the bad tech habits, and here are the top 10 as well as tips on how to correct these bad habits.

1. Leaving Gadgets Unattended in Public - Most device robbers are not grand schemers, but people who would seize an opportunity to filch an unattended laptop or mobile phone, especially when done in public places. It could happen during a momentary moment of distraction such as going to the counter to refill a drink or while traveling when the device is on the x-ray machine's conveyor belt. To prevent theft of devices when in public, bring the unit with you even for brief bathroom breaks or leave it behind the counter, with notification to the crew.

2. Focus on Gadget Use - Because you are too busy chatting or texting, you would not notice would-be thieves or cellphone snatchers waiting for you at the subway stairs or lurking in outdoor cafes. To avoid these situations, limit use of these devices when in public areas or driving (which is illegal in many states and countries anyway).

3. Using Dirty Hands - In the era of touchscreens, there is now more interaction between human hands and smartphones or tablets. However, it has been observed that a number of device owners multitask while using their units, leaving in the process fingerprints, food or liquid smudges and other residues on the screen as well as the gadget's body. The solution is so simple - clean your devices daily with an electronics-cleaning liquid and soft cloth.

4. Going Beyond the Screen - It is important to keep you device clean, meaning go beyond the screen, which means there is a need to periodically clean other parts such as vents for cooling, printers, chargers, plugs and other accessories of your device. One tip to be aware of regularly cleaning tasks is to do it the same time that you change oil of your vehicle or clean your room's air conditioner's vents.

5. Bad Posture - Even if office furniture makers had introduced ergonomic chairs, 5.8 per cent of people still suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome which is an indicator of bad posture when using the computer. One tip that your posture is proper when in front of the computer is that your feet are flat on the floor, the monitor is directly in front and the screen's top at eye level, while the knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

6. No Breaks - There is a news article doing the round of social media that too much sitting places a person at a higher risk of death. Despite tight deadlines and too much work at hand, it would be best to take breaks every few hours to allow blood circulation, joint and muscular relaxation and your eyes to rest. You can install programs such as Scirocco Take a Break or mobile apps to remind you to take breaks occasionally while working or even playing.

7. Laptops on the Lap - Although these devices are called laptop, it is not recommended to spend long hours with these gizmos placed on your legs which causes burnt skin, dryness, epidermal discoloration and lower sperm count for men. Heavy objects on the legs also cause neurological damage on this important limb. Obviously, the solution to this one is to use a desk or table when working or playing on a laptop.

8. No Data Backup - Causes of lost data range from hard drive crashes to malware infection and downright stolen devices. Options for backup include storing them in CDs, USBs, external drives or cloud computing storage systems such as Dropbox.

9. Overused Passwords - Hacking is easy because some Web sites don't store passwords securely. Thus, a password left on a public device could easily lead to your other email or social media accounts hacked, especially if you are using the same passwords for different accounts. The hacking is made easier if you use obvious passwords such as birthdays, anniversaries, names of spouses, partners or kids. Besides keeping a list of your accounts and corresponding passwords in a very secure place, one tip suggested by experts is to build from a base phrase for each account and add something unique. The additional prefix or suffix could have reference to the account such as Ba3e#WoR22d then add fb or twt to indicate it is your password for your Facebook or Twitter account.

10. One Account, Several Users - Couples are often guilty of this, as well as parents. It may result in embarrassing emails mistakenly sent to your boss or vital reports due today erased accidentally. Follow the rule of one account, one user is the best solution to this bad habit.