Many computer literate people have dream tablets, whether the vision is for the device to have James Bond-like features, unbelievable specs, powerful and durable units or just plainly affordable for the majority.

ZDNet writer James Kendrick lists 10 features of a dream tablet that many techies dream of, although reality is these specs would likely not be found together in just one device.

1. Pen for Handwriting - To make it easier to take notes in meetings. Good models are Microsoft Surface Pro's and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1's pens.

2. Retina Display Resolution - As shown by Apple's MacBook Pro laptops and Google's Chromebook Pixel, laptops with true high-resolution display are better than units with standard resolution models, resulting in crisp text display and less eye strain for people who use their tablets for several hours a day.

3. Exynos Processor - At least an 8-core processer such as the one used by Samsung, to drive apps that are graphic intensive, particularly games. The combination of a powerful processor and good graphics handling will make the tablet perform even the most demanding task with ease.

4. Thinner and Lighter Units - For more portability and ease of use. While most 10-inch devices weigh about 1.5 pounds, an ideal one would just be 1.2 pounds.

5. Super Cameras - Most tablets feature two cameras, one at the front for video calls and another at the back for photo and video captures. The ideal would be a 1080p Web came on the front and at least 12MP for the rear shooter.

6. Fast 4G LTE - A perfect tablet would be used anywhere the owner goes which requires good connectivity outside Wi-Fi. It should be at least 4G of the long-term evolution variety that offers speeds as fast as most Wi-Fi hotspots.

7. Long Battery Life - At least 15 hours on a single charge which is slightly just longer than the current 10 to 12 hours average battery life.

8. Speakers - Good stereo speakers with decent audio playback is the minimum preferred standard.

9. Very Large Storage Capacity - At least 64GB of storage and a memory card slot would do.

10. Dual Boot OSes - It should have two OSes running side by side, with the first being an Android and the second probably the Chrome OS due to the reluctance of Google to merge the OS with Android and Apple's apparently being close to such an idea.

Meanwhile, poor Indian kids would have to set aside their desires to own a dream tablet of their own after the country's human resources development minister, MM Pallam Raju, announced in mid-March that the national government would a plan to float tenders. The money raised would be used to manufacture the 50 lakh Aakash tablets.

The much-touted RS 2,276 tablet was supposed to be India's match to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's One Laptop per Child programme. When the Aakash tablet concept was announced, it generated interest.

DataWind, the Canadian company contracted to produce an initial order of 100,000 tablets by March 31 went into debt and was able to make only 20,000 Aakash units.

Indian students were supposed to be loaned the cheap tablets by their schools but because of the dashed plans, they would need to shell out at least Rs 8,000 to buy similar affordable tablets available in the market.