Celebrities having a baby are as much awaited as having a family member give birth to their own - awe inspiring and a story that should be told to everyone. The only difference is with family members we get to see the baby immediately, but when it comes to celebs, we stay tuned to the TV screens and computer monitors.

As with most moms, because really, stars are moms too, the popular option of giving birth is by cesarean section. Giving birth by C-section is not just to avoid squeezing the life out of hubby's hand and blaming him for the pains of traditional baby delivery, c-sections are done for a number of reasons like the baby is in the wrong position, the baby is in need of medical care, or problems with the umbilical cord.

But regardless of what they reasons they may have, who are some celebs who have given birth by c-section? And what are some things to remember after giving birth by that method?