Trump endorses Australian author’s book

US President Donald Trump urges his 26 million followers on Twitter to get a copy of Australian-born author Nick Adams’ book. The book, which argues that only immigrants willing to assimilate should enter the United States, is a must read according to the president.
“Nick Adams new book, Green Card Warrior, is a must read. The merit-based system is the way to go. Canada, Australia!” Trump wrote on Twitter Friday, March 3.
Adams was recently a guest on Fox News show, “Fox & Friends,” urging that only the best people should be brought to America. “If America is going to remain the best nation on this earth, we’ve got to make sure that we bring only the best people here,” he said.
On his official Facebook page, Adams said, through a video message, that US is the best place for anyone to live. “This is the best place for anyone to live- black, white, Hispanic, gay, transgender, Muslim, or even a combination,” he clarified.
But the author believes the US admits too many new immigrants randomly instead of cherry-picking only immigrants who possess skills that would benefit businesses in the free world and show willingness to assimilate culturally. “We need to make sure that people coming here are going to be American, are going to subscribe to American values,” has quoted him saying.
Trump shares the same belief, saying the US needs a “merit-based system” to “save countless dollars, raise workers wages and help struggling families.” He added, “Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and many others have a merit-based immigration system.”
The POTUS has also tweeted that Democrats are “pathetic” for still not approving his new cabinet. “It is so pathetic that the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet,” he wrote.
Adams is the Founder and Executive Director of The Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG), an organisation that seeks to promote American exceptionalism and combating anti-Americanism worldwide. He obtained both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Sydney.
Adams shared on Facebook that the reasons he came to the US are many. These include his love for guns, hot dogs, chicken fried steak, barbecue, cheerleaders, American football and beauty pageants. Based on a bio from Adams’ publisher, Simon & Schuster, the Australian allegedly endured discrimination during the administration of former US President Barack Obama due to his conservative views.