Kiowa Gordon, the star in 'Twilight' who plays the role of Embry Call, sues an online site that exposed his private parts over the Net.

The pictures were revealed earlier this week which showed the young actor holding his genitals. It made him mad and started to take legal action, as per TMZ's report.

There are celebrities out there who do such exposures just to get some attention and make themselves more popular. But this is not the case with Kiowa, who wishes to let his personal life and 'private parts' stay private.

The young star from the popular vampire movie franchise was mad upon seeing the photos, and instantly got in touch with his legal attorneys to push the site to take down the naked pictures. The said site is popular amongst many Internet users due to the porn images it allows to be posted.

No formal response was received from the website but everyone can assume it has been taken down since their pages cannot be accessed anymore. It seemed that it was already bought by a new website and all its pages are redirected to an anti-bullying online publication.

Gordon still has no reported plans on what to do next since he has no reason anymore to pursue his legal actions after the nude images have been taken down already. A possible action plan may be to ask for compensation if the photos have been already shared by other online sites.


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