The writer for US animated comedy program "Family Guy", Alec Sulkin has apologized for making what he described as insensitive remarks when he correlated Pearl Harbor and the impact of the twin disasters that hit Japan last week.

Sulkin’s message on Twitter about Friday’s Japan quake followed by devastating tsunami has caused some stir on the web and he has been receiving some flaks about it, said the Agence France Presse.

The message posted on Twitter said: "If you wanna feel better about this earthquake in Japan, google 'Pearl Harbor death toll.'"

Sulkin was referring to the 1941 sneaky bombing of Japan to Pearl Harbor that killed an estimated 2,500 people.

He explained in his apology that he did not think that the victims in last week’s disaster could lead to thousands.

"Yesterday death toll = 200. Today = 10,000. I am sorry for my insensitive tweet. It's gone," he wrote, taking the social networking site again to express his regret.

The “Family Guy” writer then quipped: "If you wanna feel better about the floods in New Jersey, google 'MTV's Jersey Shore," said AFP, referring to the popular reality television show in the US featuring controversial TV actress, Snooki.

The “Family Guy” for which Sulkin is writing for tells the story of an American family, known for its controversial humor, integrating its storylines about incest.

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