Three new characters to be introduced in “The Walking Dead” Season 6 episodes. Allison, Delvin and Tucker are the characters for which casting calls are being made.

Warning: Spoilers Alert!

Spoil The Dead shared the casting calls for “The Walking Dead” Season 6, episode 1 and 2. According to the casting call, a female character named Allison and the age bracket is late 20s to early 40s.

Allison is a psychologist who is smart and charming but when it comes to her personal life she is “messy and awkward.” “She’d much rather stay safely inside her comfort zone, but the true test of her mettle comes when the comfort’s gone and the stakes are life and death. She's not cynical and really cares about people,” casting call read (via Spoil The Dead).

Allison is recurring guest star and appear on multiple episodes. She will be a part of “The Walking Dead” Season 6, episode 2, 5 and some more to-be-announced episodes.

Another recurring character for “The Walking Dead” Season 6 is an African-American male in his early 20s named Delvin. He is a “serious-minded,” “intelligent” and “cynical” man and, he is not fond of stupidity. According to Delvin, people can be dumb but then he is not angry about it.

Delvin is set to appear on “The Walking Dead” Season 6, episode 1. The third character is named Tucker and he is in his 30s. This hardworking man believes in fairness. Moreover, he can be articulate and has the qualities of a leader. He can take extreme steps to protect what he has.

“The Walking Dead” Season 6 episodes are currently being filmed in Georgia and The Spoiling Dead Fans’ Facebook page has been regularly sharing updates. Stay tuned for more spoilers, news and more. Share your theories in the section below. Who you think are these characters from “The Walking Dead” comic books?

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