We Are Anonymous claims Pentagon has admitted World War III is imminent

We Are Anonymous, the group behind the hacking of government websites, claims that Pentagon has admitted that World War III is around the corner. Other groups also see in the statement of Marine Gen Joseph Dunford, commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that the US must declare war on Syria and Russia to implement a “no-fly zone” over Syria.
Anonymous cites the announcement by Washington of ending all contacts with Russia, which started to intensify its military operations in Syria to capture Aleppo for the Syrian government. The collapse of diplomatic efforts led to continuous Russian operation in Aleppo and Moscow warning the US not to take any action against the Syrian government.
But Secretary of State John Kerry urged President Barack Obama to intervene in Syria and face the consequences from Russia, even as Kerry favoured a nuclear deterrent. The group stresses the civil war in Syria is just a proxy war between the US and Russia.
Charismanews adds that the relations between Washington and Moscow is at its lowest since the fall of the Soviet Union. At the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing where Dunford appeared, Gen Mark Milley, Army Chief of Staff, quoted a Russian official who believes Moscow could launch a conventional war in Europe and win.
Besides Russia, US relations with China was also badly damaged by the Permanent Court of Arbitration Ruling on China’s nine-dash-line claim in South China Sea. As the US prepares to sail in the area under the Freedom of Navigation principle, Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan told the country in August to prepare for people’s war at sea.
In preparation for a possible global war, China has been positioning and testing its nuclear weapons and planning military drills on the area with Russia. Moscow has also advised Russians to prepare for a possible nuclear war with the US which prompted Pentagon officials to admit World War III is imminent, and when it happens, it would be deadly and fast.