'Wentworth' Season 5 episode 11 recap: The Freak almost dies in 'Coup de Grace'

"Wentworth" Season 5, starring Kate Jenkinson as Allie Novak, Pamela Rabe as Ex-Governor "The Freak" Joan Ferguson, Shareena Clanton as Inmate Doreen "Dor" Anderson, Nicole da Silva as Francesca "Franky" Doyle, Sigrid Thornton as Sonia Stevens, Tammy Macintosh as Karen "Kaz" Proctor and Robbie Magasiva as Deputy Governor Will Jackson, aired the "Coup de Grace" episode on Tuesday, June 13. It featured a shocking scene wherein The Freak almost died in prison. Read on to learn more.
Spoiler Alert! This update contains more 'Wentworth' spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about the prison drama's latest episode.
Ferguson tells Vera the truth about Jake
In "Wentworth" Season 5, episode 11, Joan, aka The Freak, finally ratted out Jake to Vera (Kate Atkinson). Ferguson told Vera that their relationship was built on lies and was merely orchestrated by her. Naturally, Vera was crushed because she lost not only her job but also her boyfriend.
Liz discovers Sonia and Don's plan
As for Liz (Celia Ireland), she finally figured out that Don (Steve Bastoni) and Sonia have been playing her so Sonia's case will be dropped. Liz told a detective who was questioning her about the case regarding a photo of Sonia and her best friend. Upon realising Sonia and Don's plan, Liz freaked out in the shower room. Poor Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) witnessed it all.
Teflon Jake blackmails Vera
Now that the cat is out of the bag and Vera knows about Jake, he is left with few options. He decides to stay in "Wentworth" by blackmailing Vera. He knows that she framed warden Murphy (Katerina Kotsonis) for allowing Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack) to confront Ferguson.
The Freak almost dies!
The girls led by Kaz finally had enough of Ferguson's ways and they ganged up on her. Franky and Allie, who are busy with their plan of breaking out from prison, also decided to go against The Freak. They confronted her with all her crimes including killing Bea and Iman (Zahra Newman).
The Freak almost died due to hanging. However, Vera decided to step in and save her by cutting the rope and resuscitating her. She also released Smiles (Jacquie Brennan) from the inmates holding her at knifepoint.
"Wentworth" episodes air in Australia on Tuesdays at 8:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Showcase. The Aussie drama about women in prison also airs on Netflix and Foxtel.
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