‘Wentworth’ Season 5 episode 8 recap: Allie squeals to Kaz about Jake dealing her drugs in 'Think Inside the Box' [VIDEO]

"Wentworth" Series 5, starring Kate Jenkinson as Allie Novak, Tammy Macintosh as Karen "Kaz" Proctor, Nicole da Silva as Francesca "Franky" Doyle, Robbie Magasiva as Deputy Governor Will Jackson, Pamela Rabe as Ex-Governor "The Freak" Joan Ferguson, Shareena Clanton as Inmate Doreen "Dor" Anderson and Sigrid Thornton as Sonia Stevens, aired the episode titled "Think Inside the Box" on Tuesday, May 23 on the Showcase channel. It showed Allie telling Kaz that Officer Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) dealt her some drugs in the past. Read on for the latest "Wentworth" TV episode recap.
Spoiler Alert! This update contains 'Wentworth' 2017 spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about the latest episode.
In "Wentworth" Season 5, episode 8, Allie told Kaz that Jake was the drug dealer who supplied her the goods in the past. In turn, Kaz revealed this to Deputy Governor Will Jackson. "Allie told me Stewart gave her drugs a while back," Kaz told Will. "Jake. Are you sure?" Will clarified. Kaz said that she's not sure if it's a one time thing though. However, Will didn't tell Vera (Kate Atkinson) about this.
'Wentworth' Prison Garden Project
Meanwhile, Sonia and Boomer (Katrina Milosevic) worked well together on the Garden Project. Ferguson even wanted to ride on their coattails and use the project for her drug deals. Sonia respectfully declined The Freak's offer. However, she did allow Stella (Bessie Holland) to take part in the workshop. Unfortunately, it got closed down because of some altercation that happened while they were showing Board Director Derek Channing (Martin Sacks) around the workshop. Thankfully, Allie has some tricks up her sleeve and it includes blackmailing Channing to support the girls' Garden Project.
Marge dies
Marge (Marta Kaczmarek), one of the older inmates, died of a heart attack while in prison. She was holding a bouquet of flowers in the yard. When she was taken out of jail in a body bag, Franky couldn't help but exclaim that maybe the only way out of "Wentworth" prison is in a box.
Hook ups
Franky and Allie hooked up and Ferguson told Bridget (Libby Tanner) about it. Then, Bridget went to Vera's house to discover that she and Jake have a relationship. Vera told Bridget that she can't drink at work again. Bridget surprised everyone when she resigned from her position as a psychologist. Aside from Allie and Franky, Nurse Radcliffe (Madeleine Jevic) and Mr Channing also hooked up in this episode which was directed by Mat King and written by Pete McTighe.
Watch "Wentworth" episodes every Tuesdays on Showcase at 8:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). Aussie fans can also watch it on Foxtel. "Wentworth" on Netflix is available for viewers from the rest of the world.
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