This 3 minute, 9 second video of Prince William and Kate Middleton showing the royal baby, who was born on Sunday, July 22, has so far registered more than 110,000 views. It is a decent viral hit by normal standards, but a minor league by Psy or Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga standards.

Given the fact that the baby's parents are supposed to be the most searched couple in the Internet and all media eyes were on the royal birth, the 110,000 views appear paltry or an indication of the waning public interest in the monarchs.

Even if Kate's fashion continues to be followed by a significant number of women, it could not be denied that blue blooded monarchs have long been considered passé by ordinary Brits.

The lack of interest in the residents of Windsor Castle, including the newborn, is also felt in Australia, a part of the Commonwealth ruled by Queen Elizabeth and her family.

The best evidence of the "who cares about the royal baby" attitude of Aussies are the TV ratings of specials about the coming into the world of the Prince of Cambridge.

While initial ratings showed pretty decent ratings for Nine's Today and Seven's Sunrise during the morning telecast, by evening the numbers had significantly dipped, indicating that Aussies had an overload of royal baby news.

Before the baby popped out of Mommy Kate, Nine had 1.409 million viewers, Seven had 1.377 million. By 6:30 pm, Seven's 60-minute royal baby news special, A Current Affair, just got 1.17 million viewers, while Seven also saw a decline in viewers to 1 million.

On the same night, ABC's Born To Be King, got only 622,000 viewers when it was aired at 8:30 pm.

The tiredness of Aussies over the royal news could be explained by viewers shunning the herd mentality of media wanting to scoop, even in an event so public.

Another media observer noted that for Brits, the reason they didn't really care about the royal birth was that the country is headed for a triple-dip recession and a royal penis was the least of their concern.

Comments on the YouTube posting of the royal birth announcement ranged from disdain for the excessive media coverage given the royal birth, to defense of the monarchs.

Somerandomguy468 wrote, "its a god damn baby who gives a shit! They don't give a shit about us so why should we give a shit about them!"

Barney Boii agreed, saying, "Exactly I class my self English not british fuck the royal family like they care about the normal day person."