E.L. James best-selling BDSM novel, "Fifty Shades of Grey," continues to become a worldwide phenomenon.

The novel continues to capture the hearts of A-list celebrities and "Twi-hard" mommies all over. It has been so phenomenal that anyone is just about ready to jump on the news on who could play the alluring, Christian Grey.

Two big names in the business have continuously been mentioned namely Ian Somerhalder of "The Vampire Diaries" and Chris Hemsworth of "The Avengers". Who should get the role between the two dastardly looking fellows?

First off, why has E.L. James book still continue to be hyped about? Given it was based on the "Twilight" series, shouldn't the frenzy over the books be over with the movie already coming to an end by November? Well, for fans of the books that would not be the case.

"[James] took 'Twilight' to a next level, because as pure as [Edward and Bella's] love was, it was not like this book," explained a fan.

"She took it to the next level and gave America something that they were waiting and looking for."

James' novel being dubbed as "mommy porn" would definitely explain it in a subtle way.

"I think this book has become such a phenomenon because it's something that hasn't really been spoken about before," shared another fan in an interview with MTV News. "Women usually don't talk about these things."

With the hype still up and continuing to rise up the charts, who should play the dapper, Christian Grey? Ian Somerhalder of "The Vampire Diaries" had expressed interest over the role in his first interview with Ryan Seacrest. Even now Ian Somerhalder says there would be no better person than him to play the role.

"I think it would be an amazing thing," shared Somerhalder.

"One interesting thing is, by the virtue of playing Damon for now a few years, [he's] 170 plus years old, in love with an 18 year old, I officially have a lot of experience seducing younger women. I'm not saying, I'm just saying."

Another hunk thrown in the frenzy is "Avengers'" God of Thunder, Chris Hemsworth. In an interview with Celebuzz, the Australian actor did express subtle interest in playing the seductive entrepreneur.

"This all started because we were in an interview [for The Avengers] and someone said to Chris Evans, 'We heard you're attached and you're going to play (Grey),' and he said, 'Ah, no someone mentioned it to me.'... I was like, 'What is it? I dunno, maybe I'm interested!,'" said Hemsworth.

So with two amazing actors as choices, who would be the perfect Christian Grey? Yet, with no word still from Lionsgate, fans can only cross their fingers and hope for the best.