'Winds of Winter': List of possible spoilers from the TV series

George R. R. Martin is yet to announce the release date of “Winds of Winter.” Meanwhile, the “Game of Thrones” TV series appears to be well on its way to spoil more plot details of the books. A new theory by the fans looks at just how much the show has spoiled the books already.
[Spoiler alert]
The producers of “Game of Thrones” and Martin himself have repeatedly explained that the show and the books are taking different routes to the same destination. So, while some characters may die on the show they may live on in the books and vice versa.
However, some parts of the show are sure to be spoilers for the upcoming book. A list compiled by fans on Reddit examines the spoilers from the show. The first on the list is the tragic back story of how Hodor got his name. There may be no way for Martin to work his way around this one in “Winds of Winter.”
As winter finally arrives in Westeros, the fans may get to learn more about the Night’s King and the White Walkers. “Game of Thrones” has already revealed that the Children of the Forest created the evil creatures as a defence against the invasion of men.
Two big highly anticipated events in “A Song of Ice and Fire” series is Jon Snow coming back to life and dominating the North, and Tyrion Lannister working for Daenerys as an advisor. The other big events are the Khaleesi invading Westeros, Arya returning and killing the Freys, Cersei defeating all her enemies, and Sansa Stark teaming up with Littlefinger.
Another big expected revelation in “Winds of Winter” that “Game of Thrones” has only hinted at is how Bran may have inadvertently caused the madness of Aerys Targaryen. Fans will have to wait for the release of the book to find out if this theory turns out to be right.