‘Winds of Winter' Spoilers’: Plot twists to expect, based on 'Game of Thrones'

George R.R. Martin wanted to release “Winds of Winter” before the sixth season of “Game of Thrones,” knowing that the show may spoil some of the plot points. Although the books and the TV series have diverged to a large extent they are heading towards the same ending, and so the major parts will remain the same.
[Spoiler alert]
Fans who have long waited for the resurrection of Jon Snow may finally see it happen in the next book in “A Song of Ice and Fire” series. While Melisandre was the one to bring him back to life in the TV series, it remains to be seen how the character will be brought back to life in the books.
In the show Jon Snow is declared King in the North. For that to happen in the book series Stannis Baratheon will have to die. The character’s death was teased in the form of a letter that Jon received. Another reason for the character’s death is that Melisandre has to realise that the king she is following is not the One who was promised.
The battle between Jon Snow and the Boltons is inevitable in “Winds of Winter.” This means that Sansa Stark will have a chance to take the army from the Vale and ride north to help her brother in the book series too.
Winter finally arrived in the TV series, with a white Raven delivering the message. The arrival of winter also means that the White Walker invasion will finally happen. The book may also give some insight about the Night King’s background and his intentions.
While the White Walker invasion may seem alarming, there is hope in the form of Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons. The Khaleesi may finally lead her army to Westeros in “Winds of Winter,” with Tyrion by her side.