'Winds of Winter' update: George RR Martin jokes about cloning himself to write faster

George RR Martin freed himself from the obligation to attend many events and interviews to focus more on finishing “Winds of Winter.” However, with new projects demanding his attention, the author is pressed for time to get more things done in limited hours per day.
In a recent blog post, Martin joked about wanting to clone himself to make sure he can devote time to the multiple projects he is involved in. The author revealed that he is working with all four writers of the new “Game of Thrones” spin-off shows that HBO has planned.
Martin has already met the writers involved in the four different shows, giving them pointers on how to go about developing the scripts. To add to this, the author teased a fifth writer joining HBO for what appears to be another show based on the fantasy world that Martin has created.
With all this work, “Winds of Winter” may get further delayed. Martin promised that he is still working on the book, but he also has to work on “Fire and Blood,” which he described as GRRMarillion, four new “Wild Cards” books, four or five new TV series, and other projects. The authos has said that he can’t talk about these projects just yet.
With so much work to be done, Martin may need to clone himself multiple times to finish everything on time. Despite the hectic work schedule, the author is still happy because he loves his work. So he can spend countless hours working on his favourite projects.
Martin has already put in a lot of work for “Winds of Winter." The book is nearly complete. However, with so many other projects, it isn’t clear when he will be in a position to announce a release date.