Representation. A horse skull.
Representation. A horse skull.

Police are currently investigating a woman's claim of finding over 50 dead horses at a former Logan County, Oklahoma horse rescue.

Lori Risley said she made the discovery after a person connected to the animal rescue contacted her and told her there were dead horses on the property, KFOR first reported. She said she inspected the facility because she fostered horses there.

"I'm still in shock," Risley told the news outlet. According to her, there were 54 horses in the area, with some of them being seemingly left to rot.

Ground cameras from KFOR could not make out the dead animals, but helicopter cameras were able to spot at least five carcasses and a number of scattered bones surrounding them. Risley said other carcasses were beneath the trees.

"It doesn't appear they were dragged. So how did they die?" Risley said. She also noted that there were several beer cans spread all over the property. "Were they having a party?"

Risley took photos of the dead animals and contacted the Logan County Sheriff's Office. The office said they received the report and are now looking into the claim.

The woman in charge of the rescue, who was not named as no charges have been filed, was quoted by KFOR as saying, "I was cleared by the sheriff twice. Leave me alone."

According to Risley, the woman reportedly moved the bodies and was not allowing anyone to visit the new property.

"I've cried so much that I don't even know that I can cry anymore," Risley said, worrying about the horses and hoping some of them are still alive.

A similar incident occured in 2019 when former members of an animal rescue in Thawville, Illinois inspected the facility and discovered the remains of hundreds of animals in various states of decomposition in a ditch.

Melissa Pena, a former board member of the Earth Animal Sanctuary, said she was concerned for the animals in the rescue located in 109 S.W. Park St. after she learned a fire had killed dozens of them. Upon visiting the property on June 23, 2019 with two other people, she instead discovered 250 remains in lieu of any living animals.

Police on Dec. 24, 2019 arrested the rescue's founder, Corinne DiLorenzo, following the launch of an online petition demanding accountability for the animals' deaths. She was indicted a month earlier on Nov. 6 with one count of aggravated animal cruelty.


Representation. Lori Risley said she spotted 54 dead horses in various states of decomposition at the former rescue. Photo: Pixabay