A Facebook blog entry disclosed that every day 600,000 log-ins and passwords are compromised.

The figure is based on attempts to guess, phish or steal 0.06 per cent of 1 billion Facebook login daily. Graham Cluley of the Internet security site Sophos recomputed the 600,000 attempts every day and calculated that there is one attempt every 140 milliseconds or two attempts every blink of an eye, which takes every 300 to 400 milliseconds.

However, a Facebook security team member clarified that the team is able to stop most of the time the 600,000 times a day attempts to hack login and password information.

The most popular social networking site, which counts 800 million members, suggested assigning "Guardian Angels" who would help solve possible login problems due to a hacked account. The scheme involves sending the information to three or five trusted friend from whom the member could retrieve the data later.

"It's sort of similar to giving a house key to your friends when you go on vacation - pick the friends you most trust in case you need their help.... If you forgot your password and need to login but can't access your email account, you can rely on your friends to help you get back in. We will send codes to the friends you have selected and they can pass along that information to you," PCWorld quoted Facebook.

Reports said that Facebook is also testing app passwords which will generate on the members' behalf, making it unnecessary to remember passwords.

Facebook had actually put in place a Facebook Immune System to battle against spam and infection. However, research said that Facebook members are still vulnerable to socialbot attacks even if they protect their profile through privacy setting tools since the socialbots pose as friends.

New Scientist reports that the socialbots have succeeded in extracting 48,500 email addresses and 14,500 physical addresses from users' profile information which could be later used for phishing attacks or help commit identity theft crimes.