Sony Xperia Z smartphone is certified with both IP55 and IP57, which means that it is waterproof and dustproof. You can completely clean the phone right on the sink or use it to capture videos in the swimming pool. It can record videos underwater, but there are things you should know first to create a great quality capture and not damage your phone at the same time.

A user uploaded on YouTube of a video capture while inside the swimming pool using Sony Xperia Z and Android Advices compiled a list of things you should know about before doing some underwater recording yourself.

Tip 1: Direct Water Contact Chaos
Once the phone makes direct contact with water, the screen begins to react, randomly
opens applications, activate widgets on the home screen, and does things it should not be doing. To prevent this from happening, launch the camera app and go straight to video recording before jumping to the water.

Tip 2: The Brighter, the Better
Abundant light from your surroundings is needed to create great quality videos underwater because the LED installed on the Xperia Z would not be useful in this scenario. Record videos during the daytime to record memorable underwater experience.

Tip 3: Protect All Entry Points
Even though Xperia Z is certified waterproof, you cannot just dip it inside the water without checking all possible entry ports for it to drown. Double check if you have all external ports closed and secure; otherwise, say goodbye to you phone.

Tip: 4 Don't Expect Much with the Phone Speakers
The built-in speakers will not work normally underwater, and in case you want to watch captured videos immediately, the water is still blocking the speakers which reduces the output. Dry the device first before doing a playback.

Tip 5: Stop Shaking the Xperia Z
Never shake your Xperia Z underwater while capturing videos or it will give out a bad output. Try to be in one place when recording.

Tip 6: Stopping the Video Recording
It is impossible for the device to recognise your touch underwater, so the best way to stop the capture is get out of the pool, let some water flow down and then touch the stop button.

Tip 7: Battery Must be Energised
The combination of video recording plus screen on drains a huge amount of energy from your phone. Make sure that it has 100 per cent battery level or decent amount of remaining energy, or spoil the fun underwater.

Tip 8: Do not use Simultaneous Video and Photo Capture
Touch response is chaotic when Xperia Z goes underwater, so when recording a video, do not use the Simultaneous Photo Capture, or you may end up with tons of images inside your device's storage.

Tip 9: Audio Recording is Already Poor; Don't Make it Worst
The Xperia Z picks up audio input in a low-quality mark during video capture, and if you keep holding the device near the microphone area, everything will just become muted.

Tip 10: Take Advantage of the Image Stabiliser
Underwater is the best place to use the Image Stabiliser feature of the Xperia Z. It will reduce the blur and pixel factor, creating a quality video result.