Kayleigh Lawrie, 14, of Willoughby, predicted on Aug 4, 2012 her own death in Facebook minutes before the car she was riding was hit by another vehicle.

Her post - "I think I'm going to die. Xx. luv you all." - was referring to the very fast and drunken way that Steven Hayter, 42, of Seymour Terrace, was driving the car.

Kayleigh and another 13-year-old male passenger insisted on going down the car, but her father Scott Lawrie, a friend of Hayter, told them not to be stupid.

Kayleigh's instinct proved to be fatally correct since Hayter lost control of the Renault Clio while driving near the B1196 Hanby Lane at Welton. The accident happened because Hayter attempted to get a cigarette he dropped in the foot well.

The teenage died instantly while the 13-year-old boy suffered a fractured skull and face injuries and was flown by air ambulance to the Hull Royal Infirmary. Mr Lawrie, 35, who sat on the front seat passenger's side, was not hurt.

The Lincoln Crown Court sentenced Mr Hayter on Wednesday to six years prison term for the death of Kayleigh caused by his careless driving and being drunk. According to Prosecutor Andrew Scott, Mr Hayter had eight pints of lager and several double vodkas on the previous night and more wine in the morning before he left for a bank in Skegness with three passengers.

Alcohol tests confirmed that Mr Hayter registered 147 mgs of alcohol per 100 mls of blood versus the legal limit of 80 mgs.

Mr Hayter accepted full responsibility for the death of his friend's daughter.

Charlotte Lawrie, Kayleigh's mother, said after the sentence was given to her daughter's killer, "I am pleased that the man responsible is now behind bars but nothing will ever bring Kayleigh back and we miss her every single day."

Kayleigh was a finalist in the Miss Glassgow 2009-10 beauty pageant.