People using fitness apps for yoga
IN PHOTO: People practice yoga in Gezi Park at Taksim Square in Istanbul Reuters/Osmal Orsal/Files

Apple has redefined the way people view fitness. Today, people are more concerned with numbers than ever before, checking their caloric intake, total miles covered on a run and calculating how many calories they need to eat less to reach their target weight. There are a number of iOS apps that will help you meet your weight loss goals.

1. RunKeeper

The free iOS app is ideal for runners in tracking their progress. You can use the GPS capabilities of your iPhone to determine your route as well as monitor the total miles covered. You can further geotag photos as you run and monitor your progress. Entice other friends to join your activities by sharing the results with them online.

2. SparkPeople

This is another free app where you can monitor your food intake and workouts. In a report by, SparkPeople also lets you check your weight regularly as well as your calorie differential. There are also exercise demos that will teach you how to perform certain exercises, as scheduled in the app's workout routines.

3. Nike+ GPS

If you own a pair of Nike+ running shoes, you can use the GPS in your iPhone to track your runs, showing the total distance covered and calories burned. You can view a map showing your previous route and post these on social media sites when you finish. You also get a voice feedback while running. The app is available at $1.99.

4. Lose It!

The Free iOS app features a very comprehensive diet app that will help you come up with low-calorie meals to meet your personal weight loss goals. There is a huge database that features the specific caloric content of food items and even restaurants. You can create a list of your regular or favorite foods then add the total to determine how many calories you have eaten for any given day.

5. WeightBot

WeightBot is a simple app that will calculate your body mass index or BMI. Enter your weight on the homepage to determine your BMI. The app will display your weight loss on a graph. You will know how much weight you still need to lose and how close you are to your target goal each passing day. The app costs $1.99.