Activision has promised gamers who signed up for Call of Duty Elite that the social network will be up and running by December 1.

The new social network for Call of Duty fans didn't have the best launch date as it was bogged down with bugs and connection issues. Activision's VP Daniel Suarez admitted that Beachhead Studios didn't anticipate the number of users that would sign up for the service for launch day.

"It was our fault that the service wasn't up and running the day [fans] put in their token or the day they bought it," Activision's Daniel Suarez, VP of production told G4TV. "They kind of have to bear with us while we bring this all back up, but for us it's literally 'Give us those couple weeks, we're giving those to you for free and come December 1 the goal is that we'll have everything up and running.'"

Around 600,000 Elite memberships were sold by retailer Gamestop placing the service as one of the top ten launches for the retailer this year. Elite, developed by Beachhead studios is the companion to the wildly successful Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 video game. An Elite subscription will get gamers additional monthly downloadable content, early access to new game features, competitions with prizes, the premium-only Elite TV program Friday Night Fights and other perks.

Activision and Beachhead Studios have been working non-stop to ensure that Elite runs smoothly and since the launch day debacle, the web service has been working well.

"We've basically been prioritizing premium subscribers first and then letting in free users as we have bandwidth and scalability available to us," Suarez said. "As we look at going into next week, our goal is to reduce the amount of people we have throttled, or prioritized, and open it up to everybody, and just keep everything as stable as possible."

Activision has offered early "founders" of the Elite service an additional free extra month to anyone who signs up in November to make up for the headaches of the buggy service this month. Beachhead Studios hopes that by December 1 all the bugs and connection problems will be solved. Now Activision can focus on the mobile app, which should arrive before the end of the year, activating the Elite service for the PC, and the DLCs that subscribers should have early access to.