If reports are to be believed, Amazon's new Kindle Fire is just flying off the shelves. Amazon is reportedly taking in 50,000 pre-orders of the tablet every day. Analysts estimate that Amazon is on track to sell 2.5 million Kindle Fire units by November. It seems that the Kindle Fire is living up to expectations as Apple's biggest competitor in the tablet market.

Why is the Kindle Fire proving to be such an attractive alternative to the iPad? At first glance the iPad has better specs with 16 Gb and a 10-inch screen but the Kindle Fire has more than just hardware. Here are the top ten reasons why the Kindle Fire is better than Apple's iPad.

1. Costs less than the iPad. Compared to the cheapest model iPad at $499, the $199 is a very attractive hook to cash-strapped techies. Given the dire economic times, consumers are looking for more affordable gadgets and with nearly $300 difference between the Kindle Fire and the iPad; this could be the deciding factor.

2. Has instant access to Amazon's Catalog. With the Kindle Fire users can download music, television shows and movies from Amazon's online store. Amazon also boasts a staggering number of apps via the Amazon app store, at least 10,000 at the last count.

3. Fits in your hand. At only 7 inches the Fire is easier to hold with just one hand. The Fire is also lighter than the iPad making it easier to carry around.

4. Provides exclusive content. The Kindle Fire will also come bundled with exclusive content. Comic geeks will get a kick out of the 100 DC comics bundled with the Kindle Fire including a never before released edition of the classic Watchmen.

5. Offers good screen resolution. For a tablet that costs less than #300 the screen resolution of the Kindle Fire is surprisingly crisp. The 1024 by 600 megapixel screen uses the same wide-angle IPS screen as the iPad. It might not be good enough to play HD games or movies but at that price the screen resolution is good enough.

6. Provides value without breaking the bank. The Kindle will cost less for your peace of mind. The Amazon Kindle Fire price tag is low enough to merit buying it for impulse. And if you lose it on an airport or drop it off a building, replacing the Kindle Fire is easier on your wallet than the Apple iPad.

7. Offers faster browsing speed. The Amazon Silk can load webpages faster because it divides the work between the tablet and the EC2 cloud servers. The tablet will load text and block building while HTML, CSS and Javascript will be handled by the cloud servers.

8. Has security options. Amazon's Silk feature raises some major security concerns about how much the company is actually monitoring your browsing history. Amazon does give the user the option not to use the Silk features and instead load directly the webpages directly to the tablet. Users should update their security programs regularly just to be on the safe side.

9. Protected by durable screen. Amazon boasts that the Kindle Fire is 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic. The Gorilla Glass screen also assures more durability.

10. Backed by better storage options. The Kindle Fire only has 8Gb but Amazon offers free cloud storage for content that you bought from Amazon. In theory you can download as many movies, music and books you want and store it for free in Amazon's cloud services.