The Kindle Digital Text Platform (DTP) 70 percent royalty option is now available in the United Kingdom, according to Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN).

Publishers and authors can avail of this option immediately and start earning 70 percent royalty, net of delivery costs, for each book sold from the Kindle Store.

Delivery costs are based on file size with pricing set at £0.10/MB. A median DTP file size of 368KB will have a delivery costs of less than £0.04 per unit sold. This new option is in addition to and is not design to supplant the existing DTP standard royalty option.

Books receiving the 70 percent royalty will gain access to the same features and be subject to the same requirements as with books receiving the standard royalty rate.

Amazon Vice President for European Retail Greg Greeley said: "The 70 percent royalty option for Kindle Digital Text Platform has been available for a few months for sales to US customers,"

"We are excited to be able to announce the launch of the 70 percent royalty option in the UK. Now authors and publishers worldwide can offer more content to Kindle customers in the UK and make more money from the books they sell."

The Kindle Digital Text Platform is tool which allows publishers and authors to add books and start selling in the United Kingdom Kindle Store as well as in Amazon's global Kindle Store in matters of minutes.

Visit Amazon for more details on the option.