Google's I/O event will be on June and many are talking about what the company plans on announcing. Some reports suggest that the company may introduce its new Android 4.5 operating system or the Google Nexus 6. Some, on other hand, think that Google will be announcing the Android 4.4.3 update instead. What has Google in store for people?

According to reports, there are two things that can happen about the Android 4.4.3. It can be released sooner or just in time for the Google conference. According to Android Police, Google wants to focus more on bug fixes and other problems for its next KitKat installment. Some of the fixes that people should expect include:

  • Frequent data connection dropout fix
  • mm-qcamera-daemon crash and optimization fixes
  • Camera focus in regular and HDR modes fixes
  • Power Manager display wakelock fix
  • Multiple Bluetooth fixes
  • Fix for a random reboot
  • App shortcuts sometimes got removed from launcher after update
  • USB debugging security fix
  • App shortcuts security fix
  • Wi-Fi auto-connect fix
  • Other camera fixes
  • MMS, Email/Exchange, Calendar, People/Dialer/Contacts, DSP, IPv6, VPN fixes
  • Stuck in activation screen fix
  • Missed call LED fix
  • Subtitle fixes
  • Data usage graph fix
  • Internet telephony fix
  • FCC compliance fix
  • Miscellaneous fixes

Since the introduction of the Android 4.4 KitKat system, many users have been complaining about bugs and other problems. Some of these problems include battery drain, message app crashing, unable to connect and even unable to install. There were also issues on the quality of the camera and the app itself crashing. Google has yet to make an announcement. Analysts believe Google wants to make sure all KitKat problems are fixed before introducing other elements. The main goal of the Android 4.4 KitKat is to lessen the fragmentation among Android users including the lower end and older models.