Google released its Android Ice Cream Sandwich, the latest update to its operating system for mobile devices, Wednesday, week and what an update it is. Android 4.0 is bigger and better than its previous version and could rival the iPhone's iOS 5 in terms of new innovative functions. With such futuristic features like unlocking your phone just by looking at it, the Android 4.0 OS is a giant leap forward for Android phones.

"Android 4.0 builds on the things people love most about Android," says Google in a post on the Android Developers Blog. "Easy multitasking, rich notifications, customizable home screens, resizable widgets, and deep interactivity - and adds powerful new ways of communicating and sharing."

Google certainly wasn't kidding with its tagline "Enchant me, Simplify My Life, and Make Me Awesome" about Ice Cream Sandwich. Here are some of the features that are making this new version of the Android OS one of the most exciting updates yet.

1. Unlock your phone with your face.

Who needs swiping when you can unlock your phone with just a look? Android 4.0's new recognition security feature allows the software to recognize your face from a previously taken picture and unlocks your phone for you. No more memorizing PIN codes, just do it with a smile. Unless you have an evil twin around, this feature is foolproof.

2. Cool, new interface

The Android Ice Cream Sandwich has a new interface that places more emphasis on Google's search bar and is supposed to be more user-friendly. There's an action bar that gives you contextual options and on-screen command buttons for easier access to the home page or to toggle apps. The prettier UI has new typeface and more swipe friendly commands.

3. Better Camera functions

Android 4.0 packs in more camera functions like photo-editing tools and image stabilization and autofocus. The Ice Cream Sandwich now has the ability to take panoramic pictures. Just pan your camera around a scene and the OS will make it into a giant panoramic picture. Android users can now also access the camera from the lock screen.

4. Go! Android Beam Go!

Google's added a nifty little feature called Android Beam that uses Near Field Communication technology to allow Android users to transfer data from one phone to another. Now you can share data like your favorite cat video from YouTube to friends who have Ice Cream Sandwich on their phones.

5. Android now has home screen folders.

Like Apple's iOS, the Android Ice Cream Sandwich is now getting home screen folders. You can now drag icons or group them together.

6. New Browser

Android's browser gets a much needed update in the Ice Cream Sandwich. Users can now have off-line productivity and tab support. The browser is speedier too and can handle up to 16 open tabs. Tabs can now be closed by flicking them off the screen and automatic syncing with desktop Chrome browsers.

7. Take Screenshots of your phone

Ice Cream Sandwich now lets users take screenshots of their phones by simply pressing both the power and volume down buttons on their phone. Now you can upload screenshots of your phone to your favorite social media network; why you would need to is for you to decide.

8. Better Social Media Integration

Social media is now better integrated in the Ice Cream Sandwich, with a new app called "People" that can pull contact information from your address book and sync it with your social media network. The app will update contact information if your contact changes it in the social media network.

9. Data Usage View

Users now have to track their data usage, and Android has provided a new feature to satisfy that need. In the settings a data control center shows you how much data you've consumed and what apps are using the most data. If you're on a limited plan the data center will warn you if you're going above your limit or even stop using 3G/4G data past the limit.

10. A More Universal Android

Android's Ice Cream Sandwich OS is an OS for every Android device. The Android 4.0 is the same for tablets and smartphones which means better syncing for users with Android in their smartphones and tablets.

Here's a video of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus running on Ice Cream Sandwich.