Google's Ice Cream Sandwich is the latest update to its Android OS, and many Android owners are wondering when their own phones will get the update.

HTC answered this question by announcing on Monday on its Facebook page that it will release eight devices in 2012 with the Android Ice Cream already installed. HTC identified the HTC Sensation, HTC Sensation XL and HTC Sensation XE, as well as the HTC Rezound, HTC EVO 3D, HTC EVO Design 4G and HTC Amaze 4G that will receive the upgrade.

HTC had announced earlier that the new Beats Audio-integrated Rezound will come Ice Cream Sandwich-ready, meaning the phone won't ship with Ice Cream Sandwich but will be ready for an early 2012 update.

"We're continuing to assess our product portfolio, so stay tuned for more updates on device upgrades, timing and other details about HTC and Ice Cream Sandwich," HTC wrote in its Facebook page. Buyers should also be aware that their carriers could have different release dates for an Ice Cream Sandwich update than the phone manufacturer.

Other Android phones are also confirming the Ice Cream Sandwich update for their smartphones. Motorola has confirmed through a tweet that its Droid Razr, Droid Bionic and Xoom tablets will get the Ice Cream Sandwich six weeks after the ICS six weeks after Google makes it public.

Samsung's Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Nexus will both get the Ice Cream Sandwich update. In fact Samsung's Galaxy Nexus will debut the new Android OS when it debuts sometime in November.

Sony Ericsson has confirmed on its Netherlands Divisions Facebook page that its 2011 Xperia smartphone lineup will get the Ice Cream Sandwich, but there is no news when that will happen. LG has also confirmed that it will update its Optimus 2X smartphone to an Ice Cream Sandwich OS.

"LG is currently in the process of planning the ICS OS update for the LG Optimus 2X as well as other LG high-end smartphones. Detailed information on the ICS OS update schedule for specific models will be announced, once the ICS OS is publicly released by Google. Please stay tuned for more updates from LG," LG wrote in its official Facebook page.